Olympiad for Financial Literacy, Economics and Business
Event Date: April 13, 2019
The Annual Economic Literacy and Business Olympiad, consists of five events designed to prepare Southern California High-school students with the business and personal finance skills needed to succeed in the contemporary economy.
Forms and links
Olympiad Brochure and Agenda.pdf
RELEASE OF LIABILITY FORM.pdf (mandatory for all participants)
Submission Links (Due to technical difficulties we have extended the submission for both Business Plan and Financial Video Submission to April 7th, 2019 at 11:59pm)
Financial Video Competition (Deadline Extended: April 7th)
Business Plan (Deadline Extended: April 7th)
All students from grades nine to 12 may participate in one or more of the five competitions:
- Stock Market Competition – Students utilize a simulated $100,000 investment portfolio. Student groups will be judged based on their understanding of investment strategies and the performance of their portfolio in three-minute presentations delivered at the Olympiad.
- Financial Video Competition – Participants create short video presentations, which cover such practical themes as savings, investments, budgeting and credit.
- Financial Literacy/Personal Finance Knowledge Competition – Students will be tested on their knowledge of business and personal finance topics.
- Business and Economic News (BEN) Competition – A multiple-choice quiz will cover significant business- and economics-related topics that appeared in major media outlets, such as The Wall Street Journal, over the preceding 10 weeks.
- Olympiad Business Plan – A problem/solution statement, product service description, target market and competitive analysis, organizational structure and expertise, business model, pricing strategy, and startup cost analysis will be presented. All students participating in the business plan event must first complete a plan of a maximum of two pages.
Complimentary student mentoring is available for all events, including subscription to The Wall Street Journal.
In addition to providing business experience for students to include on their résumés or college applications, certificates of merit and cash awards will also be presented for each event and the overall Olympiad, providing support for future academic or career pursuits.
2019 Olympiad Gallery
2018 Olympiad Gallery
2016 Olympiad Gallery
2015 Olympiad Gallery