Finance Course Descriptions
Finance 300 Courses
FIN 310 Personal Financial Management (3 units)
Financial problems of the household in allocating resources and planning expenditures. Housing, insurance, installment buying, medical care, savings and investments. Special financial planning problems faced by minorities and women. May not be used to fulfill the concentration requirement in finance.
FIN 320 Financial Management I (3 units)
Prerequisite: Accounting 201A, Corequisite: InfoSys/DecSci 361A and Business Admin 301.
Financial statement analysis. Interest rates and valuing cash flows (TVM; valuing stocks and bonds). Investment decision rules and capital budgeting. Risk and return (CAPM) and cost of capital. One ore more sections may be offered in any online format.
FIN 321 Financial Management II (3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320
Brief review of valuing cash flows, risk/return and capital budgeting. Long-term financing, capital structure and payout policy, financial planning and forecasting, with a focus on firm valuation. Additional topics if time permits. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
FIN 331 Working Capital Management and Computer Applications (3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320, Corequisite: FIN 321
Analysis of working capital management and policy, liquidity measurement, sources of financing for periods of cash deficits; management of accounts receivable and inventories; financial forecasting and short-term financing.
FIN 335 Financial Analysis for Investors and Lenders (3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320, Corequisite: FIN 321
Interpretation of financial statement from the perspective of the financial analyst and creditor. Economic meaning of financial statement data for the purpose of evaluating a company’s financial performance.
FIN 340 Introduction to Investments (3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320, Corequisite: FIN 321
Institutional characteristics of securities markets, security valuation and trading methods, fundamental and technical analysis, selection and management of securities, role of the capital asset pricing model in investing, options and futures markets, portfolio analysis and mutual funds.
FIN 342 Capital and Money Markets (3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320, Corequisite: FIN 321
Capital and money markets in the American and international economies; markets for new corporate and government issues; secondary markets; use of derivative securities for hedging; factors influencing yields and security prices.
FIN 351 Real Estate Principles (3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320
Real estate principles, practices and investment decisions. Equity investment, finance, legal aspects, practices, principles, property development, real estate administration in the public sector, real estate market analysis, and valuation.
FIN 352 Real Estate Finance (3 units)
Corequisite: FIN 351
Financial institutions and real estate credit. Sources and uses of capital (funds) in financing real estate transactions. Money and capital markets and their effect on credit availability. Mortgage mechanics and the workings of both primary and secondary markets.
FIN 353 Real Estate Valuation (3 units)
Corequisite: FIN 351
Comprehensive coverage of the basic concepts and principles of real estate valuation. Use of the three approaches to valuation for the appraisal of both residential and income-producing properties. Role of valuation in real estate investment. Government regulation of appraisers.
FIN 355 Real Estate Investment Analysis (3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 351
Alternative analytical techniques in evaluating real estate investments. Tax aspects, measurement of investment returns, application of computer models to investment decisions. Lecture, discussion and case analysis of major investment types – raw land, apartment houses, commercial and industrial uses.
FIN 360 Principles of Insurance (3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320
Analysis of the risk management process, introduction to property and liability insurance, employee benefits and financial planning. Overview of the insurance industry and insurance problems. One or sections may be offered in any online format.
FIN 361 Insurance Company Operations (3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 360
Course surveys the overall structure and functions of insurance companies and reviews all major insurance company functional areas. It also examines the two major markets in which businesses and individuals may obtain insurance: admitted lines and non-admitted lines. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
FIN 370 International Business Finance (3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320
Financing problems of the multinational business. International financial environment, taxation of foreign income, the cost of capital in international capital and money markets, problems of risk in foreign investments, and financial techniques for the operation of the multinational firm. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
FIN 371 Export-Import Financing (3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320
Institutional arrangements, methods and techniques used to finance international trade. Government and financial institution services. Risk-return aspects of international sales, insurance needs, the use of letters of credit, international factoring, accounts receivable insurance and other financing techniques. Review of required export-import documentation.
FIN 373 Asia-Pacific Financial and Security Markets (3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320
Overview of financial markets in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Southeast Asia. Historical perspectives, regulations, more recent liberalization and internationalization, and institutional technical aspects of the stock, bond and other financial markets.
FIN 375 Global Risk Management and International Finance (3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 370
Loss control within the field of global insurance and risk management to provide knowledge for the practical application of international financial risk management principles techniques and methods utilized in multinational corporations and governmental organizations operations.
Finance 400 Courses
FIN 400 Property Management ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 351
The management of income-producing real estate assets, including marketing, leasing, operations, and asset management functions.
FIN 408 Retirement Planning ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320
Retirement savings and income planning from the perspective of a Certified Financial Planner practitioner. Required in order to take the CFP Certification Examination. Considerable discussion of federal legislation controlling retirement planning.
FIN 409 Estate Planning ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320
Estate planning from the perspective of a Certified Financial Planner practitioner. Required in order to take the CFP Certification Examination. Considerable discussion of federal legislation controlling estate planning.
FIN 410 Theory and Practice of Personal Financial Planning ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 340; Corequisite: FIN 360, FIN 408 and FIN 409
Developing, implementing and monitoring comprehensive personal financial plans. Risk management, investments, taxation, retirement and estate planning, professional practices.
FIN 415 Quantitative Theory of Interest ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320
The theory of interest in both finite and continuous time; the use of various annuity functions as a basis for reserving, valuation, pricing, duration, asset/liability management, amortization schedules and measurement of fund performance; term structure of interest rates.
FIN 425 Commercial Bank and Financial Institution Management ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320 with a “D” (1.0) or better, not CBE pre-major or undecided/undeclared major; or CBE graduate standing and not pre-MBA; Corequisite: FIN 321
Financial institution problem solutions. Major financial intermediaries and the decision-making problems they face. Regulation and its effect on management operations. Group problems and case studies.
FIN 432 Financial Forecasting and Budgeting ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320 with a “D” (1.0) or better, not CBE pre-major or undecided/undeclared major; or CBE graduate standing and not pre-MBA. Corequisite: FIN 321.
Forecasting in financial management; profit planning and control process; goals, technical procedures and effects of budgeting; mechanics of forecasting and budgeting, follow-up and control.
FIN 433 Problems in Business Finance ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 321
Group problems and case studies relating to estimation of funds requirements, long-term financial planning, evaluation of cash flows, financing acquisitions and mergers, capital budgeting and cost of capital. Team-building, leadership and computer-assisted presentation skills. Not applicable for graduate degree credit.
FIN 435 Capital Markets and Fixed Income Analysis ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320 or FIN 517, not CBE pre-major or undecided/undeclared major; or CBE graduate standing and not pre-MBA. Corequisites: FIN 340 or FIN 541.
Fixed income markets, including the price dynamics and risk profiles of various fixed-income securities, derivatives, yields, duration, credit analysis of bonds, portfolio management strategies, calculating performance and identifying factors driving fixed-income returns.
FIN 440 Business Valuation, Mergers and Acquisitions ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 321 and not CBE pre-major or undecided/undeclared major; or FIN 517 and CBE graduate standing and not pre-MBA.
Valuation, especially for mergers and acquisitions. Valuation methods and their application in mergers and acquisitions. May not receive credit for both FIN 440 and FIN 540.
FIN 442 Advanced Investment Analysis ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 340 and InfoSys/DecSci 361A
Securities markets and company analysis, security valuation models, the CAPM and the APT, option pricing and portfolio models. Practical application of investment theory and recent literature. May not receive credit for both FIN 442 and FIN 541.
FIN 443 Advanced Investment Analysis II ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 442
Build and maintain portfolios of actual endowment funds using security and industry analyses in the Applied Security Analysis Program (ASAP). Second in two-semester sequence.
FIN 444 Options And Futures ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 340 and not CBE pre-major or undecided/undeclared major; or CBE graduate standing and not pre-MBA.
Put and call options, option pricing theory and models. Financial futures pricing, hedging strategies and models. Institutional characteristics of futures trading. Options and futures on stock indices. Options on futures, theoretical relationship between options and futures.
FIN 451 Real Estate Practice ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 351 or graduate standing
Professional aspects of real estate business, overview of the real estate industry, ethics, licensing, contracts, forms, disclosure documents, listing properties, handling offers, closing sales transactions; financing, escrow, title and taxation issues; and 1031 exchanges requirements for investment property.
FIN 452 Legal Aspects of Real Estate ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 351 or graduate standing
Overview of early to modern legal principals and how they apply to real estate transactions ownership, title, escrow, brokerage, contracts, financing, landlord/tenant issues and government regulation.
FIN 454 Real Estate Economics ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 351
Factors and influences of urban growth and development. Economic factors and real estate supply and demand. Location theory and urban growth patterns. Public policy as a factor in real estate development. Analysis of real estate markets.
FIN 461 Business Property and Liability Risk Management ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 360
Duties and functions of a corporate risk manager, the major commercial property liability lines, including business income, general liability, commercial auto workers compensation, business owner insurance and operation of property liability insurers. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
FIN 462 Life And Health Insurance ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 360
Analyze various types of life annuity and health insurance contracts, major employee benefit plans adopted by corporations, and the organization and management of life and health insurance companies.
FIN 463 Professional Ethics, Corporate Compliance and Regulation ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320, MGMT 246, not CBE pre-major or undecided/undeclared major; or CBE graduate standing and not pre-MBA.
How organizations can best assess and manage their exposure to legal, regulatory and ethical issues through corporate compliance programs. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
FIN 464 Insurance Marketing and Distribution Strategies ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320 or MKTG 351 with a D (1.0) or better, not CBE pre-major or undecided/undeclared major; or graduate standing and not pre-MBA.
Practices and procedures involved in insurance marketing and distribution. Analyzes insurance marketing environment, marketing strategies and product promotion; introduction to insurance distribution channels and sales force management. (FIN 464 and MKTG 464 are the same course)
FIN 489 Advanced Financial Analysis with Excel ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: Completion of one 400- level finance course. *Course not available for Graduate Credit*
Principles of finance (and related departmental disciplines) by blending theory and practice with the use of Excel in either projects or case studies in group and individual assignments.
FIN 495 Internship ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 320 and 2.5 GPA; or graduate standing.
A supervised experience where financial principles or methods are applied in a fieldwork setting. Mandatory class meetings for students to discuss their experience and integrate financial practice. Sections for other concentrations within the department will include application of relevant principles. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units.
FIN 499 Independent Study ( 1-3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 321, FIN 340, and consent of the department chair.
Open to undergraduate students desiring to pursue directed independent inquiry. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units. Not open to students on academic probation.
Finance 500 Courses
FIN 517 Managerial Finance ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: ACCT 510 and not pre-MBA.
Modern theory and practice of financial management. Net present value and the time value of money. Basic principles of risk and return. Capital budgeting and forecasting. Capital structure and dividend theory. Firm valuation from a value-based management and corporate governance perspective. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
FIN 523 Seminar in Corporate Financial Management ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 517 and not Pre-MBA
Analyze financial decision-making process through case studies and seminar presentations. Current financial theory and models. International applications.
FIN 525 Corporate Governance ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 517 and not Pre-MBA
Fundamental concepts of corporate governance. Topics include the definition of corporation, roles and responsibilities of shareholders, directors and managers, and strategies to structure the interactions of these parties to help minimize agency costs.
FIN 528 Seminar in Financial Economics ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 517
Valuation or corporate liabilities and other securities. Economic decision-making under uncertainty and asset pricing theories are analyzed rigorously. Other topics may include optimal capital structure, the market for corporate control, or macroeconomics aspects of finance. (ECON 528 and FIN 528 are the same course.)
FIN 533 Seminar in Financial Administration ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: FIN 517 and classified CBE status
Optimal financing and asset administration; advanced techniques of capital budgeting; application of analytical methods to the administration of the finance function of the business firm. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
FIN 540 Seminar in Business Valuation, Mergers and Acquisitions ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 517
Issues and techniques related to business valuation and mergers and acquisitions. May not receive credit for both FIN 440 and FIN 540
FIN 541 Seminar in Investment Management ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 517 or equivalent and classified CBE status
Problems of investment and portfolio management; concepts of risk evaluation and investment criteria; analysis of interest rate movements; investment valuation and timing; regulation and administrative problems of the industry. May not receive credit for both FIN 442 and FIN 541.
FIN 542 Seminar in Financial Engineering ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 444
Theoretical basis of certain financial models, including binomial tree models and risk-neutral valuation in discrete time, Brownian motion and risk-neutral valuation in continuous time, Black-Scholes option pricing models and various interest rate models.
FIN 543 Entrepreneurial Finance ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 517, Accounting 510, and Accounting 511
Financing a new/small firm, including forecasting the firm’s investment needs, raising short-term funding and banking relationships, managing working capital, making fixed asset investments and managing risk.
FIN 551 Seminar in Real Estate Investment ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 517 or equivalent and classified CBE status
Problems of real estate investment; concepts of evaluation and investment criteria; analysis of real property values; real estate development and financing. Case studies.
FIN 560 Corporate Risk Management and Insurance Seminar ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 517
Managing risks that confront firms; how they are managed with diversification, capital structure, loss control, corporate governance, and how they are financed with commercial insurance contracts; analyzes market and instruments created to enable corporations to manage downside risks.
FIN 561 Financial Risk Management Seminar ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 444 and FIN 517; OR student in MS FERM program
Financial risk management from an institutional, regulatory and modeling perspective. Market and credit risk. Modeling, simulation and estimating risk techniques. Value at Risk and expected shortfall. Risk regulations, including Basel I and II, Solvency II. Case studies.
FIN 562 Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 517
ERM framework with the integration of pure, financial, strategic and operational risks. Discusses seven building blocks for developing an ERM program. Legal and regulatory environment, technical tools and future prediction on ERM.
FIN 570 Seminar in International Financial Management ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 517 or equivalent and classified CBE status
Financial problems of the multinational firm. International financing instruments, capital investment decisions and constraints on the profitability of multinational businesses.
FIN 597 Project ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 517 or equivalent and classified CBE status, consent of instructor and approval by Department Chair.
Directed independent inquiry. Not open to students on academic probation. May be repeated once for credit.
FIN 599 Independent Graduate Research ( 1-3 units)
Prerequisite: FIN 517 or equivalent and classified CBE status, consent of instructor and approval by Department Chair and Associate Dean.
May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units. Not open to students on academic probation.
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