Neyba Osornio, President
Class of 2022
When did you join the Sales Leadership Center?
I joined the SLC a little over a year/year and a half ago starting out as just a student attending meetings and workshops. I then saw the position available for the social media chair and applied. After that semester was over, I became the President for the following semester.
Why did you join the SLT?
I joined the SLT because I knew that the resources and pathways would be beneficial to my success as student at CSUF. I also wanted to help other students see those benefits as well.
How has the SLC helped you in your professional career and personal development?
The SLC helped me prepare for the real world. Whether it was prepping for a sales competition or putting my resume together, I knew that my work here was going to lead me to my career after graduation.
Robert (Bobby) Cerda, V.P of External Affairs
Class of 2020
When did you join the Sales Leadership Center?
I joined in the Fall of 2018 off of the recommendation of Professor Anicich and Brett Eazell (former member). I started shadowing in the Spring of 2019 and became VP of External Affairs in Fall 2019.
Why did you join the SLT?
I originally joined because I know the value that sales skills will have in life. I stayed because I believe the people you place yourself around directly correlate with your own personality and success. And the SLC is full of the brightest, ambitious, and caring group of individuals I have ever had the pleasure of coming across. I love this team.
How has the SLC helped you in your professional career and personal development?
The SLC has helped me land my first internship, it's given me scholarships, equipped me with the skills necessary to win multiple sales competitions, and helped me find my true calling in life through the college and beyond workshops. I never thought I would set this strong of a plan and have the confidence in myself to be so sure of achieving it.
Thank you SLC - Love, Bobby
John Vo, Operations Chair
Class of 2020
When did you join the Sales Leadership Center?
I joined the Sales Leadership Center because I felt that other clubs did not give anything of value to me. The center offered a Certificate of Professional Sales as well and that was something that I wanted to put onto my resume.
Why did you join the Student Leadership Team (SLT)?
I joined the SLT because of my gratitude for the center. It helped me out so much on a personal development level and I am not who I am today without the help of the center. I also want everyone who are like me – quiet and reserved – to get the chance to break out of their shell.
How has the SLC helped you in your professional career and personal development?
The SLC has helped me stand out much more than I did previously. As of now, I have some interviews lined up through the center and personally, I have noticed myself being a lot more confident and going-out-of-my-way to talk to people, which definitely helped me get interviews.
Ezequiel Pena, Alumni Relations Chair
Class of 2020
Being a part of the Sales Leadership Center flipped my entire idea of what a sales career is. It is not only door-to-door sales and cold calling; it is so much more. It is about cultivating relationships with people and making the relationship flourish for many years. That is exactly what the Sales Leadership Center brings to the table. I connected with many Fortune 500 companies and their recruiters to secure job offers after graduation, but I also made some of the best friends I have ever had. I have always encouraged everyone to join the Sales Leadership Center to find a career, develop professionally, and a new family. Now I encourage you to join and take the first step towards many newfound successes.
Rachel Griffin, President
Class of 2020
When did you join the Sales Leadership Center?
I joined my second semester Freshman year (Spring 2017)
Why did you join the SLT?
I joined because I wanted to get better at my personal selling skills. An SLT member had presented in my class and he did an excellent job so I figured this center would be a great way to acquire some valuable skills while making friends!
How has the SLC helped you in your professional career and personal development?
There are so many ways the SLC has helped me become a better professional and developed me personally. I have gotten two internships through the SLC and countless job offers. Additionally, I was able to make many personal and professional connections that I know will have a long-lasting impact. My role as president has allowed me to take the skills I learned through the center and impart them on many other members as well!
Overall, I am so glad I joined the Sales Leadership Center. It has allowed me to travel, network, create relationships, and learn invaluable lifelong skills that I will definitely carry with me after I graduate. The quality of education for those that choose to dedicate themselves is certainly worth the time exchanged.
Jake Miknuk, Vice President
Class of 2020
I joined the Center when I was a Junior. I had just transferred from Irvine Valley College and I wanted to get involved on campus but none of the clubs that I checked out made me want to spend more time on campus than I needed to. I was introduced to the Sales Leadership Center through the SLC'S current President, Rachel Griffin, and Professor Olga Di Franco. Immediately I saw it's multiple benefits, plus it was a Center of the school and not just a club. The SLC was helping students get jobs, develop leadership skills, and it was amazing for networking. The Sales Leadership Center has helped me land the best internship I've had during college (I've had three internships and have been interning at Alteryx now for almost 2 years), develop sales and leadership skills that help me in all facets of life, I have become a much better presenter, and I know almost all of our corporate sponsor representatives on a first name basis so I never have to worry about not having a job when I graduate. Above all of that, the students that make up the Sales Leadership Center are the most amazing people I have ever met and I consider them my family. Also, we host the best Sales Competitions this side of the Mississippi and the students that compete have attracted the attention of all of our corporate sponsors and most of them are offered jobs because they do so well. That is why the Sales Leadership Center means so much to me and why it was the best decision I made in my college career.
Octavio Lobato, V.P. of Recruitment
Class of 2020
I joined the SLT Spring 2019 which was during my Junior year at CSUF. My reason for wanting to be a part of the Sales Leadership Center was because of the people. Everyone involved with the center is an exemplary model of what it means to be successful and I wanted to be around people like that. The SLC has played a big part in both my professional and personal development. On the professional side the workshops, competitions, and networking opportunities helped me land an amazing internship with a company that is the global leader in information management! As for the personal development aspect the center has helped me find my voice in public speaking. This is the achievement that I am most proud of because of how timid I used to be when talking to groups of people. When I think about everything that the center has done for me I consider myself one of the luckiest people out there.
Evelyn Macias, Special Events Chair
Class of 2020
I joined in the Spring of 2019 when I competed in the Sales Games as my first competition. My team member and I worked very hard which paid off. We took the 3rd place trophy home! Not bad for a first completion considering we didn’t make the sale. I was very excited and discovered I had a natural ability to talk to people and loved finding a way to make their life easier. Not only did I see the spark within me, I also saw it in other members who competed. I could see the level of confidence they gained after going through the SLC programs. I was so passionate on how it affected my confidence I could not wait to share the impact the SLC does to other Titans, so I joined the team. Without the SLC I would not have the confidence I have now when I talk to anyone. The SLC has showed me how to look for opportunities in life and not be afraid to take them by simply asking. The team behind it has also toned my leadership skills. I now feel the confidence to lead a group that share the same goal. I now know how to make my voice herd in a professional and personal way thanks to the SLC. This is the center that helps you fire up the skill you need to take on any challenge in life!
Jorge Perez, Retention Chair
Class of 2021
When did you join the Sales Leadership Center?
I joined the Sales Leadership Center my sophomore year of college, because I was looking to improve my speaking skills and wanted to join a career focused program.
Why did you join the SLT?
I joined the Sales Leadership Team because my sophomore it offered many opportunities to grow academically and professionally. I wanted to continue that into my junior year.
How has the SLC helped you in your professional career and personal development
The Sales Leadership Center has helped me develop personal by improving my speaking skills and making me more comfortable speaking to crowds. Professionally the center has allowed me to network with its vast array of partnered companies and allowed me to view what a career in sales would look like.
Rachel Herzog, Class of 2018
"In Fall 2015 I decided I wanted to get more involved within the College of Business and Economics, and one day a student spoke in my class about opportunities available through the Sales Leadership Center. I had never considered sales before, and was actually terrified of it, but decided to try something outside my comfort zone and made it a goal to place in the Titan Sales Competition. Throughout the semester I frequently pestered the Center’s director, Mark Mantey, to help me prepare, and he generously gave his time and advice. Innumerable hours went into workshops and practices, which honestly at times was exhausting and frustrating. I was horrible at sales at first. It was a long journey. In the end, our team came in 1st place, which is a moment I will never forget. It was a perfect representation of the fact that hard work pays off and we can do anything we put our minds to, especially with the support of the college’s world-class staff and programming. The SLC was incredibly impactful for me in building lifelong skills applicable to nearly every area of life, as well as a network and confidence that I use and benefit from to this day."
Josh Tari, Class of 2018
"Joining the Sales Leadership Center turned out to be one of the best decisions I made during my time at CSUF. Aside from the vast knowledge I gained from the seminars, workshops, and recommended classes, the most beneficial thing to me was the opportunity to meet and speak with actual professionals in the industries I was interested in. The SLC enabled me to secure an internship at Kellogg's, which turned into a full time sales position after I graduated. Thanks to them, I was able to establish my career path with an amazing company while also creating a strong network of like-minded students and professionals."
Brittany Duran, Class of 2018
"I was highly involved in the center by attending career fairs, networking events, sales competitions, and the Sales Career Academy. Through the events, I was able to get an internship opportunity with PepsiCo under the Frito-Lay division as a Sales Management Intern for Summer 2018. After the internship, I was offered a full-time salary position as a Sales Management Associate once I graduate in December 2018. I will be starting my new position in January 2019. Very excited for this opportunity and would like to thank the SLC for providing me with skills and confidence to go out and network with professionals."
Jacob Abel, Class of 2018
"The sales leadership center was the best decision I made in college. The abundance of opportunities for jobs and internships vastly exceeds any program I have seen on a college campus, and even that benefit pales in comparison to the skills and confidence I developed during center events. As Vice president of recruitment I had the pleasure of helping to grow the SLC Family-and it was just that, a family. The friendships made in college are often overlooked, but those I made in the SLC will certainly last a lifetime. To all of you students on the fence, I ask that you do yourself a favor and go to 1 semester’s worth of events. You won’t stop showing up after that."