Mark Hoven Stohs, Ph. D.
Finance - Professor
I joined the Department of Finance at CSUF in the Fall of 1996, after two great years in the Department of Banking and Finance at the Graduate School of Business of University College Dublin, in Dublin, Ireland. Ireland is well worth visiting!
My 1994 Ph.D. in finance is from the University of Wisconsin, Madison , which I earned after having taught philosophy for 9 years in the Chicago area. Naturally, everyone asks me about the connection between finance and philosophy! Business ethics is the answer. After teaching business ethics for several years, I thought I should know more about business; and decided to earn an MBA. In the process, I found that I enjoyed finance immensely. At the time, it seemed to me that that finance is the key to managing a successful corporation; a belief I still hold. I made the switch to finance after earning tenure as a philosopher, but a dual career situation gave me the impetus to make the big move to finance.